Gethsemane Church is a not-for-profit, charitable organization, with a passion for compassion.
Our aim is to serve the community and point them to Jesus.
We believe in forming relationships, making connections and creating a difference.
Even if we can’t eradicate poverty, we can help alleviate it.
Even if we can’t change the past, we can help change the future.
Even if we can’t be a voice that’s heard, we can be a heart that listens.
We can help you to cope and offer you hope.
And everything we do is not by our own strength but by the Lord’s.
We want the community to adopt a sense of belonging and acceptance.
From feeling worthless to feeling priceless.
And the awareness that everyone is special, regardless of birthplace.
For it’s not about birthplace – it’s about birthright
For we are heirs of God and co-heirs with Jesus!
We believe it’s not about being better but about being unique.
Being better makes you the best one; Being unique makes you the only one!
That’s how God created us
As unique individuals; fearfully and wonderfully made.
We believe in Stretching ourselves Spiritually
And in just a short period, we’ve Enlarged our Tent and Expanded our Territory.
piumal 29-09-2020
hi this is a reply
admin 05-10-2020
Thanks Piumal 🙂
navo k 17-11-2020
This is a test comment