Welcome to Gethsemane’s Annual Clyde Carols by Candlelight 2020, Sponsored by Barry Bourke Berwick & Supported by the City of Casey.
Sat, Dec 19th, 6.30 – 7.30 Australian Daylight Saving Time on Channel 31 and Channel 44.
Click on this Link to Watch Live: https://c31.org.au/tv/live/
And how about a Gift for your Child? Gethsemane will incorporate our Annual Christmas Miracle with the Carols where every child will receive a Christmas Gift so please make sure you’re watching.
This Fun Filled Family Night which attracted five thousand attendees last year should hopefully attract a Million viewers online this year. It launches in Australia but will be viewed worldwide. All our international viewers, please check your time zones.
Tune in to this jam-packed hour with 17 Performances plus 3 Appearances including Santa. I wasn’t sure how I could fit so many in but if there’s a will, God makes a way. We have guests from all around Australia including the City of Casey, NSW, Queensland and Western Australia and also overseas, from Norway, America and Canada.
We will incorporate Gethsemane’s Annual Christmas Miracle with the Carols where every child will receive a Christmas Gift so please make sure you’re watching. No need for a portable chair or a picnic rug…watch from the comfort of your own home or your backyard Barbie 😊
Performers include: The Gethsemane Church Singers (Steph Panza & Carin Premkumar), Triple Treat Talent Academy (Kerrigan Jr, Heathcliff, Tempest, Xondra, Tennessee, Jerusalem, Sienna, Alyssa & Logan), Studeo (Jeremy & Christine Stork), Ann-Kristin Dørdal, Vanessa Delaine (With her children Larissa & Matt), Destiny Band Oz (Thomas & Tessa Libreri), Elizabeth Skaliaris, Annemarie Picerno, Lloyd Back, Renee Shead, Shannon Arfaras, Peggie Nora, Lydia D’lasselle, Olivia Giannikopoulos, Connie Kis Andersen, Paul Costa & your host Kerrigan La-Brooy. Plus, the Hon Anthony Byrne, Federal MP for the Holt Electorate, Mr Damien Rosario, Former Deputy Mayor and Casey Councillor, and Santa courtesy of the Clyde Fire Brigade. Thanks to everyone who has supported our event and who are continuing to through sharing and caring! There will also be a live stream from our brand-new website thanks to the Awesome Ateam, gethsemane.com.au